OAMA provides a central focus for the development of fellowship and cooperation among the clergy and churches of the greater Owosso area.

Our Mission:

The Owosso Area Ministerial Association 

seeks to extend the love and lordship of 

Jesus Christ by strengthening and 

encouraging one another and 

facilitating community worship and ministries.

We are in need of volunteers for the warming center TODAY!!

Volunteer at the center:  https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A0A4DABA62FA6FF2-55025139-warming#/

Provide Meals:  https://www.mealtrain.com/trains/83wgyn

Next warming center planning meeting:   March 7th - 2pm @ St. John's UCC

Business meeting the first Thursday of each month at 9:00 am. 

September through May.